Post: Capoeira for Kids – 240107 (First training of the year 2024)


Capoeira for Kids – 240107 (First training of the year 2024)

The text can be enhanced to provide a more vivid description. Here’s the pimped-up version:

“Despite not being posted on our site, the kids’ training took place on December 31, 2023. The first training in the new year, on Sunday, January 7, 2024, was absolutely fantastic. The river drought, the smog, and the oppressive heat that lasted for about 4 months came to an end three weeks ago. The water levels are now slowly but steadily returning to normal.

The Capoeira training was held entirely in our Association’s facilities, where we enjoyed breakfast, training, lunch, and leisure, all accompanied by the ContraMestre himself.

Umussy prepared some special creations, including a sandwich with Mozzarella, Wurst, and Tukuma for the group leaders, and I must say, they were truly exceptional and delicious.

The group photo captures the essence of it all. No need to say anything more :)”


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