Post: Capoeira for Kids – 231001 (Birthday of Christian)

My lovely wife in full force

Capoeira for Kids – 231001 (Birthday of Christian)

I must admit, the 1st of October was a wonderful day spent with my family here in the rainforest. Despite numerous challenges, such as extreme temperatures, an exceptionally dry season, and difficulties in reaching the city, my 50th birthday turned out just the way I desired.

My beloved wife, Umussy, started the day off beautifully for me. Following that, the Capoeira project commenced with ContraMestre Wilson leading the way, accompanied by some energetic young Capoeiristas who infused the session with lively movements.

After the training, as is our tradition, we enjoyed a high-quality lunch with all the children and ourselves. We then embarked on a brief tour through the arid mini-canyon and spent some quality time by the lake. Interestingly, it seems even our crocodile joined in to make my day memorable. Here are a few photos from the day.

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