Post: Capoeira for Kids – 230528 (special visit)

After Capoeira Lesson

Capoeira for Kids – 230528 (special visit)

On May 28th, 2023, the Capoeira for Kids project had the pleasure of hosting a visit from Michael Schleusener, representing MyTheo. Back in November 2018, Michael recommended Wilson, now Contra-Mestre in Capoeira, to start the project “Capoeira for Kids” back then. During 2018 and 2019, Michael provided partial financial support to Capoeira for Kids, and he initiated a successful donation project that secured the necessary funding for our activities in 2019. Now, in May 2023, Michael, as a representative of MyTheo (Germany), rejoined the project, and we had an enjoyable time together, providing him with an opportunity to witness the project’s success firsthand.

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