Post: Organisation of Food Distribution – 231018 (Marcia Rebecas)


Organisation of Food Distribution – 231018 (Marcia Rebecas)

The year 2023 ushered in an unprecedented dry season in the Amazon rainforest. As a result, residents are facing a humanitarian crisis where clean drinking water and food can’t be delivered to the communities within the forest. The river has receded so drastically that traveling to the city for food supplies has become almost impossible. Hence, donors, government entities, companies, and individuals are stepping up, donating food rations and fresh water to the affected populace.

However, the “last mile” distribution proves to be a significant challenge for both donors and the locals. This is where our association, Crocodilo & Piranha (CP), steps in. We are constantly on-site, assisting with and organizing transport across the river to the designated port. From there, the distribution of the provided rations is executed. CP identifies the families and individuals in dire need, keeps them informed, arranges the distribution timetable, and handles all associated documentation.

During the distribution on 18th October 2023, Marcia Rebecas generously donated 40 emergency rations (Cesta Basica) and 20 gallons of water. Our association organized the river transport, identified families in need, managed the food and water distribution, and even bore some of the transportation costs for delivering goods via tuktuk-car back to the community. Furthermore, Marcia Rebecas coordinated with the TV station “TV A Critica” to shed light on the prevailing situation (link attached).

Apart from Minute 8:00 to 13:00 talkes about our village (Comunidade Indigena do Tupe).

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