Post: Freezer for Indigenous Family – 231031 (Vila Jose)


Freezer for Indigenous Family – 231031 (Vila Jose)

In September and October 2023, the Amazon Rainforest experienced a once-in-a-century drought. This caused the Rio Negro to recede by over 15 meters, leading to a humanitarian crisis that persisted for roughly 10 weeks. Residents along the Rio Negro struggled to reach the city for essential supplies, and many even lost access to fresh water.

The “Jose” indigenous family, living remotely from the nearest community, lacked the means to store or refrigerate food such as fish, chicken, or meat. To access fresh cold water, they had to trek 5 km through the forest and an expansive, sun-baked riverbed. Recognizing their plight, our association decided to donate a top-tier, energy-efficient freezer to assist them during these particularly challenging times.

We ensured the freezer was compatible with the family’s solar system. On October 31st, 2023, we made the delivery. Moving forward, we plan to assist the family in optimizing their electronic setup – including solar controllers, inverters, and the freezer itself – to maintain optimal operating temperatures for these devices.

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