Post: 6 days no energy – 6 days no water supply – 231111


6 days no energy – 6 days no water supply – 231111

In Amazonas, Sao Joao RDS Tupe, we’ve been without power and drinking water supply for six days now and still no energy in sight. Our 2000-liter water reservoir is empty. Now, Umussy and I have to trek 2.5 km through the desert to fetch drinking water from a tiny spring and get gasoline for the generator.

Great. We’re dealing with a century’s worst drought and unprecedented smog. Supply routes are cut off since weeks, and people are desperately digging for water in the Amazon rainforest.

In Sao Gabriel de Cachoeira, a city of 50,000 people, the fuel supply for the power plants has stopped arriving, leading to electricity rationing of just 12 hours per day. Water and food prices have skyrocketed there as supplies dwindle. Unemployment is soaring as industries halt, further exacerbating the impact of the higher costs on the already beleaguered citizens..

I believe it’s time to start thinking about solutions on an international level. I’m addressing consumers, industries, and governments. Only a combined effort from all three can make a significant impact. There is not much time left to implement constructive solutions, if one asked me.

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