Wildlife in Tupe – 240124 (Happy Crocodile)

Today, 24th of January 2024, our crocodile friend came visiting us and like always it was its lucky day. We got some fish for him. Sr. Croco already knows the procedure: Waiting for a fish to directly land in his mouth – and so it happened. He swallowed about 7 or 8 fishes until he […]

Capoeira for Kids – 240121

Today, Sunday 21st January 2024, ContraMestre Wilson staid overnight from Saturday to Sunday here in the jungle to start the Sunday lessons in the early morning and before that enjoying the sunrise here with us around 05:30 AM. As always we are starting with breakfast, intense training and then lazure before having lunch. For the […]

Capoeira for Kids – 240114

Today, Sunday 14th 2024, a normal Capoeira day, having a good and intense training. The project is conducted every Sunday and contains breakfast, professional training in an academy space, lunch and last but not least quite some fun.

Capoeira for Kids – 240107 (First training of the year 2024)

The text can be enhanced to provide a more vivid description. Here’s the pimped-up version: “Despite not being posted on our site, the kids’ training took place on December 31, 2023. The first training in the new year, on Sunday, January 7, 2024, was absolutely fantastic. The river drought, the smog, and the oppressive heat […]

Capoeira for Kids – 231224 (Christmas, Sports and Food Distribution)

Today, December 24, 2023, our Capoeira for Kids project coincided with Christmas Day. Wilson, ContraMestre, and a small group of students from Paricatuba and Tupe joined us for a festive and joyful start to Christmas. As always, there was a breakfast for all participants and the indigenous host family to prepare for the upcoming event […]

Secretario do Meio Ambiente – 231130 (Food Donation)

Today, November 30th, 2023, the Secretary of Environment, under the leadership of Wilson Lima, the current governor of Amazonas, sent 40 food rations (each weighing 18 kg) to the Sao Joao community (RDS Tupe). Our association, Crocodilo & Piranha, organized the last-mile distribution of these goods to those in need. This last-mile effort, in addition […]

Capoeira for Kids – 231126 (4 new indigenous students)

Today, November 26th, 2023, we enjoyed another amazing Sunday here in the rainforest. Despite the challenges in the Amazon rainforest, our group visited the indigenous Dessana village for an early breakfast. It was a diverse gathering of Riberinhos, Indigenous people, Europeans, and city dwellers, all celebrating the start of a great day together. Four new […]

UniNorte Prof. Gleiser and Students – 231124 (Food Donation)

Today, on November 24th, 2023, Professor Gleiser and his students from UniNorte’s Physical Education department donated 298 units of food to the people in our village. Our association collected the donation in the city of Manaus, added an additional 85 units of food, and organized the transportation to Tupe, including distributing the food to the […]

UniNorte Physical Education – 231118 (Prof. Gleicer)

Today, November 18th, 2023, Professor Gleicer from UniNorte’s Physical Education department visited the indigenous Dessana village in RDS Tupe with approximately 100 people (professors, students, and assistants). Before Professor Gleicer’s arrival, our Capoeira kids group took a 20-minute walk along the riverbed to Dessana village for a hearty breakfast. We also invited the children and […]

Capoeira for Kids – 231112 (Jungle Tour)

This Sunday, November 12th, 2023, we welcomed a special guest from UniNorte, Professor Gleicer, who visited not only to see our project but also to prepare for an upcoming event on November 18th, 2023. This event will host around 100 individuals, including 10 professors with 90 students and assistants, aiming to create a memorable day […]

6 days no energy – 6 days no water supply – 231111

In Amazonas, Sao Joao RDS Tupe, we’ve been without power and drinking water supply for six days now and still no energy in sight. Our 2000-liter water reservoir is empty. Now, Umussy and I have to trek 2.5 km through the desert to fetch drinking water from a tiny spring and get gasoline for the […]

Freezer for Indigenous Family – 231031 (Vila Jose)

In September and October 2023, the Amazon Rainforest experienced a once-in-a-century drought. This caused the Rio Negro to recede by over 15 meters, leading to a humanitarian crisis that persisted for roughly 10 weeks. Residents along the Rio Negro struggled to reach the city for essential supplies, and many even lost access to fresh water. […]